Tips on How to Format a Resume

There are many ways to format a resume. It can depend on the type of resume you are creating, the industry you are in, and sometimes the application process requirements. There are traditional formats and more modern formats. Regardless, of all these factors, the following list of tips applies to all resumes.

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Tips on How to Format a Resume

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#1. Keep It Simple!

Our #1 tip: Keep it simple. Your resume should be easy to read – so no crazy fonts. Basic modern fonts like Helvetica, Arial, or Century Gothic are best. Your font size should be between 10-12. Use normal margins to create a pleasing amount of white space on the page.

#2. Don’t Include Everything

Your resume should not include every job you’ve ever had starting with your first summer job scooping ice cream. Think of your resume as a marketing tool where you include your best and most relevant info. It should not just be a list of everything you’ve done. Only highlight your accomplishments and skills that are most relevant to the specific job you are applying for.   Oh, and put your best stuff in the top half of the page.

#3. Keep an Updated List of All of Your Jobs

But wait, didn’t we just tell you not to include everything? We did, but you may need to interchange jobs and experiences or reorder them with each new job you apply for. This allows you to format a resume specifically for each opportunity.

#4.  One Page Will Do for Most Situations

This is a debated subject, but generally, if you only include the best and most relevant information, it should all fit on one page. If you absolutely positively have to include more info than one page allows, then it is ok to do so.  The resume police are not going to crack down on you. If you’re struggling to edit it down, our expert resume writers at Career Resumes can help!

#5. Bold Your Contact Information

The latest trends to format a resume do not require you to include your mailing address. However, you should include your personal phone number and email. Don’t use your work info. In addition, a link to your LinkedIn profile and other social platforms is a good idea. Remember, when job searching (and always) keep your social media accounts clean and professional. If a company is interested in hiring you, you can assume they will look at your social anyway.

#6. Format a Resume for Skimmability

Skimming is key for hiring managers sifting through many resumes. Bold your headings, break up sections, highlight key information and words. We can help you make your resume perfect!

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1 thought on “Tips on How to Format a Resume”

  1. I agree with this post. I find that it is important to keep your resume simple and easy to read. I also think it is wise to bold headings, break up sections, highlight key information and words. Skimming resumes are the norm for hiring managers looking through many resumes, so you need to make sure they can see what’s most important about you at a glance! Thanks for sharing your insight on how best to write an excellent resume!

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