Speed Up Your Job Search in 2022

Looking for a new job? Do you wish you had a magic wand to wave and magically speed up your job search?

Well, we don’t have one either, but we do have some tips that may help you find that dream job faster. Be sure to leave your tips for fellow job seekers in the comments.

Tips to Speed Up Your Job Search

Define Your Dream Job

Most people start their job search by looking at every opportunity they can find. However, this approach usually results in an endless loop of applying and interviewing with no clear path forward–the same way you’re probably going about it right now! Instead, list your top five dream jobs. Then describe the top dream companies to want to work for.  Include details and why you want to work there.

When you get an interview be clear about why you want it. You have one chance at an interview, so make sure that when they ask what makes you excited and passionate for this role in particular-you can answer!

Use LinkedIn To Its Full Potential

Don’t just follow the tutorial and fill out the bare minimum. LinkedIn could very well be the tool that gets you to the right person, to the interview, and into the seat at your new desk. LinkedIn has a lot of neat features that make it more interactive than ever before.

Share a video of a presentation or talk you did. Include personalization in the About section, and link different articles that are on your website. Do not hesitate to showcase projects outside of work as well!

You can join career discussion groups on LinkedIn with other job seekers for advice and support. Start with  Resume Help and Advice for Professionals and Executives.

Anybody should be able to tell by glancing at your profile what your areas of expertise are, how experienced you are, and that you are in fact a human.

If you need help boosting your LinkedIn profile, check out Career Resume’s LinkedIn Portfolio Services.

RelatedShould You Use the Open to Work Banner on LinkedIn?

Participate in Proactive Networking

Research Local Networking Opportunities. Spend some time today researching opportunities to connect with other business professionals in your area. LinkedIn and Facebook are two good places to start. Look for events and meetings you can join virtually. Create a list of groups you are interested in and make a note of when they meet. Most organized networking groups meet regularly (online and/or in-person). Don’t forget to put them in your calendar or set reminders for yourself of when they are happening.

Do You Have Any Tips to Add?

Please share your job search successes in the comments below.

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