What Does an Expert Executive Resume Writer Provide?

Are you thinking of working with an expert executive resume writer? Often times our clients come to us after they have been conducting a job search for a few weeks (or months) without the results they were hoping for. They recognize that their resume is not getting the attention and generating the opportunities it should.

We say here at Career Resumes, “If your resume isn’t a winner, its a killer.” Meaning it might be killing your chances at getting a job interview. Before you spend any more time on your job search, think about taking advantage of our Free Resume Critique, and start working with an expert executive resume writer.

Ideally, you should work with a professional resume writer before you start a new job search. However, whenever you come to us in the process is the right time for you! We are here to help you polish up your resume, shorten your job search, and land your next position.

Related: How to Choose the Right Professional Resume Writing Service

What will an executive resume writer do for you?

There are many advantages to working with a professional resume writer that go beyond their ability to write well. Anyone can google how to write a resume and come up with a good draft. However, the job market and technology are always changing. A really great executive resume writer is always on top of these changes to help you deliver your resume in the most effective way.

Create the Right Style of Resume for Your Career Situation

Professional resume writers are trained in several different types of resume styles. The right one for you will depend on your experience, how many jobs you’ve had, your career timeline, skills, and more. The right writer will spend time talking with you to get to know your specific situation and career goals.

Addresses all Aspects of the Job Search

There is more to getting a new job than submitting a resume. An executive resume writer will work with you on the following:

  • LinkedIn.  Your writer can help you with a LinkedIn Makeover and best practices so you are using this powerful platform to its full potential.
  • Networking Tips. Most executive level positions are not found through online job postings, but through networking and engaging with others in your field. Your writer is also like a career coach and should be able to coach you on how to network effectively.
  • Create Content. If you are blogging, using social media, and conducting presentations and talks, this information positions you as an industry expert. Your writer can help you capitalize on that.

The best executive resume writers will provide you with tips on all of these points so you’re well-rounded in your job search.

Pays Attention to Personal Brand

You are not like everyone else looking for a new job or career. You are unique, talented, and offer a diverse set of skills. Your personal brand should resonate through everything you do, including your resume. Your professional resume writer should know you well enough to be able to help you with that. Your social media profiles should also reflect your personal brand and not contain anything that will hinder your job search. Almost all hiring managers, business owners, and HR personnel will look at your social media profiles as part of the vetting process. You really want to make sure there is nothing damaging or off-brand on your feeds. Your writer can help you with this too!

RelatedA Personal Brand + Your Job Search (How They Work Together)

The Wrap Up!

As an executive looking for a new job, one of the best things you can do to speed up the process is hire a professional executive resume writer. If you choose wisely you will get so much more than just a great resume. Job search strategies and technology have changed drastically over the last few years. Our professional executive resume writers can quickly catch you up to speed and help you out every step of the way. If you’re just starting your job search, or even if you’re been at it awhile, we can help you discover your dream job!

Happy Career Hunting! We are here for you!

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