Job Gaps and other Tricky Stuff

Addressing job gaps is one of the trickiest things to figure how to do on a resume. You can’t ignore it, but you also want to position your experience and skills as the most important things for a potential employer to consider. We’ve compiled a list of tips and things to consider in order for you to be as successful as possible in your job search.

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#1. Don’t Include Every Short-Term Job

If you’ve been working at a company for only one or two months, consider leaving that job off your resume. However, don’t lie about any experience during this time if asked by an HR representative during interviews!

#2. Mind the Gaps

When you have gaps in your work history, don’t list the usual start and end dates for each position. Use only years (2014-2016) or just a number indicating how many months/years worked at earlier positions.

#3. Explain Your Job Hopping

Job-hopping is common, but it can be hard to put your finger on the reason why you’ve been so sporadic in moving from one job to another. Why did I leave that last place? What made them close or lay off some of our staff members and force us into relocation? Include a brief explanation for each position next to each listing like “company closed,” “layoff due to downsizing” etc., as this will help show readers what was going on behind those movements without making things seem worse than they really were!

#4. Explain a Long Break in Jobs

Did you take time off work and now feel like it’s too late to get back into the game? You’re not alone. But fear not!
A summary statement at first is the perfect way to outline what makes you the perfect candidate, including your top skills and accomplishments from your past. Then, in the interview, you can talk through your resume by giving details about positions you held before your break (and why these were successful), followed finally up by discussing any other relevant volunteer experience.

RelatedAddressing Employment Gaps on Your Resume

#5. Don’t Be Too Creative

Don’t try to creatively fill in gaps on your resume. For example, if you took time out of the workforce to raise kids don’t try to make it sound relevant with things like “Household management” or “multitasking with three children. It’s been done, and it doesn’t go over very well.

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