HR Memo to Job Seekers: Jobs Posted Aren’t Real(??)

I recently came upon the dailyBLOGMA blog and found a memo from the HR office to job seekers, by Kristi Enigl.  In it she has some interesting points, including:

  1. There is a “cyberspace blackhole” and that’s where 99% of resumes go.
  2. Most of the jobs posted online are not really available.
  3. Most people get jobs by being recommended.

Now, these are generalizations – perhaps in different size companies (small startup vs. Fortune 100) they do things different, don’t you think?

Let’s talk about each of these:

1. The resume blackhole. Many of you have felt this.  If you are simply applying to jobs you find online, submitting your resume, you might be nothing more than a headache.  I heard a recruiter say he had to delete his entire database of resumes and start over… yuck!  There is a resume blackhole… you should be doing stuff to not end up in there!

2. Posted jobs aren’t really available?? What gives?  I heard there are a few reasons, Kristi shares other reasons.  The problem is when we, as the desparate job seeker, think applying to a job gives us a chance when there really is no chance at all.  What then, do we simply ignore job boards?  Not necessarily, but don’t sit on them and apply to openings all day.

3. Jobs come because of recommendations? I got news for ya… you have to NETWORK!  You have to build relationships and get to a point where the person who can help you will, and can, recommend you!  You don’t do this by sitting on your computer all day… you have to get out, talk, build relationships…

I’d love to see a real HR director write a real memo… Kristi does a great job of it, but let’s see a Fortune 100 HR leader write something similar… knowing how things work will only help us have a more effective job search, right?

1 thought on “HR Memo to Job Seekers: Jobs Posted Aren’t Real(??)”

  1. Hi Jason,

    Thanks for linking to my blog post and for breaking it down. I agree with your assessment of my points, I was speaking generally. I wish I would have written that while I held a HR Manager position. I would love to see one written by Fortune 500 as well.

    Another memo we should be interested to read would be from the recruiter at a really large agency. They have something to say about “bogus” postings for sure. I used to recruit, so I know something about posting non-existent jobs.

    And you’re are 100% correct in your comment about getting recommended: networking is essential. If you are not known and trusted by your network, then getting recommended is going to be difficult.

    Trying to help job seekers,

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