What a Resume Critique Can do for your Job Search

The very simple answer is: A professional resume critique will significantly shorten the length of your job search.

Sometimes by months or weeks.

Isn’t your time worth something?

Have you ever had a professional critique of your resume?

I write a lot about job searches, resumes, interview skills, and all sorts for things regarding landing the next perfect job.

But what I am MOST passionate about is helping people cut to the chase with their resume and win the race to getting hired.

Your resume is the single best tool you have to convey quickly and professionally to a potential employer who you are and why they should care. Don’t you want that tool to be sharp, fully charged and the most updated version it can possible be? Sure you do. How do you make that happen?

We can either write your resume from scratch or provide a FREE resume critique of your existing resume and help you turn it into a power tool.

What will a resume critique show you?

When you submit your resume to a professional for advice on how to improve it, the professional isn’t going to tell you that your experience and credentials need to be improved. This is who you are and what you bring to the table. It is a culmination of all of your life experiences.

Instead, a resume critique will provide suggestions on how to best convey your information. A resume critique will point out where you should highlight your top skills and how to present the information so that it is very easy, and enticing, for a reader to understand.

You are great at what you do, which is why someone should hire you. But you may not be the best at putting it all down in the most effective way on paper in order to get hired. That’s ok. We are.

Is your job search going the way you thought it would?

If not, it may be time to invest in some professional help. No, I don’t mean a therapist’s couch–a professional resume and job search coach. Save yourself time (which ultimately equates to money) and do this now. You will be happy you did it–and it’s FREE! Click on the link below to get started!

LinkedIn Profiles

Just a quick note (because I just can’t help giving advice on this stuff), the next step after perfecting your resume is giving your LinkedIn profile an update. They go hand in hand and together are a power team in dominating your job search. We help with that too! Click here to find out more about our LinkedIn Makeover.

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