What to expect from the Facebook Jobs Feature
If you haven’t used the Facebook Jobs Feature yet, give it a try. Anyone who is searching for a new job should take advantage of how easy it is to use.
The Facebook Jobs Feature allows you to search, subscribe, and apply for jobs on Facebook.
Tidy Up Your Facebook Profile Now
A word of caution: Employers will be able to review your profile (and they will). It is really important when you are looking for a new job (and all the time!) to maintain a professional presence on social media. Now more than ever, potential employers are using all the information at their disposal to hire candidates, and that includes viewing all of your social media platforms. Is Your Personal Online Reputation Hurting Your Job Search?
Be sure to clear out all negative posts and pictures to create a polished presence. In addition to deleting unwanted content, start beefing up your feeds with well-written, industry-specific content that will position you as a positive thought leader. This will impress employers, not to mention your friends and family, too!
When you are job searching, you should use all of the tools and resources at your disposal! Don’t forget you can also Use LinkedIn To Find Your Next Job, too!
How to Find Jobs With the Facebook Jobs Feature
On the left side of your profile there is a “see more” tab that you can click. Scroll down until you see the “Jobs” icon that looks like this:
Once you click on the Jobs Icon, it will take you to a page that looks this:
If the location is not set to your location or you want to expand the range, change that first.
After you narrow down the location, you can further filter jobs by industry, or job type by checking the boxes along the left hand side. Pretty easy!
Search, Subscribe and Apply
These 3 features can help you dial in your search even further:
Search: In the top-left corner is a search bar where you can enter a search through the different positions using terms you want to find.
Subscribe: On the right-hand side you can subscribe to be notified of new job openings.
Apply: You can apply directly from the Facebook Jobs Feature page. The application auto-fills job history and other profile data so you don’t have to start over with each application. You can also edit your information before you submit. After you submit your application a Facebook Messenger conversation starts between you and the company Facebook page. Pretty cool, huh?
Just be sure you are ready to answer!
Make sure your resume is up to date and ready for an interview. Take advantage of our free resume critique to ensure you are presenting the best version of your resume you possibly can!
Additional Tips
In order to be prepared for common interview questions it is a good idea to research the companies you are interesting in working for and have applied at. A good way to help you do this is to follow them on Facebook and other social media channels. You will most likely be asked questions about the company in an interview to see how much you know.
Good Luck!!!
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