Whether you are in a job search or not, I invite you to call a job seeker.
That’s right… out of the blue, pick up the phone and have a real conversation.
You could say something like:
I was just thinking of you and wanted to see how your job search was going. Is there anything I can do?
You might not get far, so here are some other questions:
- Is there anyone you are trying to network into?
- Are there any companies you are trying to network into?
- What industries are you targeting?
- Can you have lunch next week with me?
- What networking events are you going to?
- I have a friend who just got laid off, do you think you can share some ideas and tips with him?
Job seekers need help but many times they are at a point where they don’t want to call you and ask you for help (they might not know how to ask for help). So why don’t you extend a helping hand to them?
Even if you don’t help them land a job, the mere effort and interest you show can change their day 1000%.