The Key to Looking for a New Job

Is looking for a new job part of your New Year’s resolution?

We understand that when you are looking for a new job you don’t always want to announce it to the world. Especially if you don’t want your current employer to know you are seeking new employment. It’s probably a good thing that Facebook doesn’t have an automatic status: Looking for a New Job!

Related: Use Facebook Jobs Feature to Find your Next Career

However, your network is probably the key to finding your next job. You don’t need to shout it from all of your social media platforms, but personal conversations and purposefully written emails and phone calls could be your best bet.

Related: LinkedIn Taps into Why People Are (and aren’t) Networking

Someone You Know is the Keythe key to a new job

Someone you know right now holds the key to your next job and both of you don’t even know it–yet.

Letting your friends and family know you are looking will start to open doors for you. People can’t help you if they don’t know you are seeking help.

Contact previous colleagues and set up coffee dates with influential people and tell them in person. Most professional people understand the pains of looking for a new job, we’ve all been there. We also understand the importance of professional courtesy and keeping our eyes and ears open for opportunities without opening our mouths.

If you explain that your current employer is unaware of your wishes for new employment, your contacts will hopefully respect that. Unfortunately, sometimes bosses do find out anyway. A co-worker lets it slip, or you have had a suspicious amount of “doctor appointments” in the last month.

By the way, stay tuned for our next blog, “What to do if your employer finds out you are job searching.” It’s not the end of the world. People change jobs all the time.

Update Your Resume for Your New Job Search

In addition to letting your contacts know you are looking for a new job, the other most important element of any job search is a professional resume. When is the last time you updated yours? It is always a good idea to have someone proofread your resume for you. Career Resumes even offers a FREE resume critique. We highly recommend you take advantage of this, since you can never be too careful with the most important document in your professional career. We are here to help!

Good luck in your job search. Let us know how we can help!

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