Social Media Profiles: Consistency Is Key

This isn’t another lecture about what to post on social media and what to avoid. We will assume that you have already figured out how to keep your posts professional.

Instead, this is about how to fill out your social media profiles consistently, thoroughly and professionally.

We do not discuss LinkedIn in this article, since that requires a much more thorough deep dive. However, we do offer LinkedIn Makeover Services. Check it out!

Remember, people you do not know will be looking at your social media accounts during your job search. If you delete your social media accounts or completely restrict them during your job search, this is a red flag to most hiring managers. So it’s better to keep active, professional accounts.

What does a complete social media profile look like?

It means that all of the boxes and fields are filled in consistently across platforms. If you are looking for a job (even if you aren’t announcing it to the world), your social media profiles should be as professional as possible.

Here are some things you can do make sure you are representing yourself in the best way you can online:

  1. Profile Picture. Use a professional looking head shot.
  2. Cover Photo.  This should be professional as well. Don’t make it too personal (like a picture of a family reunion, night out on the town, etc.)
  3. Use the same photos across platforms.  Your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. should all have the same profile and cover photo during your job search. This makes you easily identifiable.
  4. About Section. Fill out this section with ONLY information that is relevant to a prospective employer. Current/Recent employment, hobbies, etc.
  5. Images. Go through your social media account and delete images and posts with images that are unprofessional.
  6. Businesses You Follow. It is natural that you will follow businesses that are in the industry you are in. However, if you are  interested in working of a particular company, be sure you aren’t posting and liking competitor posts.

Finding a new job, switching careers, and networking all take time and a whole lot of professional energy. Don’t hinder your efforts by leaving profiles incomplete or including unnecessary (or harmful) information up for all the world to see.

Good luck and happy job hunting. We are here for you.

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