Six Kinds of Info Job Ads Supply that Might Be Helpful to Your Job Search

Slogging through tons of job ads, only to find we aren’t qualified for any of them, is the last thing most of us want to do. Keep in mind that even postings for jobs you don’t qualify for, or aren’t even interested in, can be important; they just might provide valuable information.

Employers slip a lot of information into their job ads, some of which can be helpful even if the job itself isn’t for you.

Here are six examples:

  • Mission statement
  • How they feel about their employees
  • How they feel about their customers
  • Benefit packages
  • What they give back to the community
  • Hidden opportunities for you

Mission statements

It’s not unusual for job ads to include the company’s mission statement, or at least enough of it to tip you off to a potential cultural fit. Does their mission sound like something you can get behind? If so, further digging might be in order.

How they feel about their employees

Indicators of this, and how they feel about their customers, are things you’ll know when you see them in the ad. You might have to read between the lines, too. It could be that a job involves providing a service that will make life better at the company. An example would be a diversity and inclusion specialist who helps ensure that employees from all walks of life feel they have a place at the table and are valued for their unique experiences. Or it might be a customer service representative who speaks Bengali. Whatever it is, if a company shows hiring practices supportive of their employees or customers, they might be a good fit for you.

Benefit packages

Does the benefits package include tuition reimbursement, a retirement plan with employer matching or rewards for getting or staying healthy? Knowing what benefits the company offers is a good indicator of what if might offer you should the right opportunity be revealed.

What they give back to the community

Often in their job ads, employers allow themselves to get caught being good. In other words, they draw attention to things they do for the community, such as environmental cleanups or scholarship opportunities.

Hidden opportunities for you

An employer who is looking for one thing might need someone in another department to help support it. For instance, if a company’s human resources department needs someone to lead a veterans outreach initiative, it might follow that you, with your information technologies expertise, could play a role at this company as well, possibly providing technical support for that very same initiative.

The takeaway

Remember, not every job is advertised; in fact, most are not. A little sleuthing can pay off in big ways as you reveal opportunities you might never have considered if you’d waited for the perfect job ad to come to you.

Happy Hunting! We are here for you!

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