Where should you get resume help from?
I asked for resume help and resume reviews from my trusted circle of friends and colleagues.
I got input from a government executive, an HR exec at a multi-billion dollar company, a military professional and various professionals in my field.
I also got input from many job seekers who were at or above my level, including many career volunteers (the people who staff the job search groups).
I even got input from various recruiters.
Know what they said?
That my resume was awesome. Simply awesome.
But my resume was keeping me out of interviews.
I didn’t know it at the time, but it was my resume that was the thing that precluded me from moving forward in my job search.
About three months into my job search I was watching a video at a job search network meeting where a guy was talking about his resume, and why he wasn’t getting interviews. It finally clicked – the problem I was having was the same one he had!
No one… NO ONE had told me what the problem was because none of those people where ever faced with that exact issue. They never would have believed it. And, they were reviewing my resume for grammar and spelling and a few other things, but NOT AS A MARKETING TOOL!
But it was real, and it had a serious negative impact on my job search.
You know who would have been able to tell me?
A professional resume writer. That is there job, and they are very careful about doing their job right and well.
If you are stuck, and not getting interviews, contact a professional resume writer and ask them what the problem might be. A resume critique from a pro should go beyond grammar and spelling and into the marketing issues.