Resume Finishing Touches: Polish and Send

Before you send your resume off, make sure you have double-checked our resume finishing touches checklist. Your resume is the first impression most hiring agents will have of you, and you want it to be perfect. These tips will help.

Resume Finishing Touches Checklist

#1. Don’t include“References Available Upon Request”

You want to be sure to have your references ready to go when you are asked for them. However, wait to be asked. Hiring managers will assume you have them – you don’t need to tell them you do.

#2.  Have someone else proofread it

Proofread your resume several times and ask friends or family to also look it at. It’s hard to proofread your own work. Don’t assume spell check and grammar check will catch everything. Take advantage of Career Resumes’ FREE Resume Critique.

#3.  Save it and send it as a PDF

If you are emailing or uploading your resume it should be in PDF format rather than a .doc. Sometimes the formatting in Word documents can get messed up when sent. And as an added precaution, PDFs can’t be altered and edited the way .doc files can.

#4. Name Your Resume File Appropriately

Once you are ready to save your resume and submit it,  don’t just save it as “Resume” or something equally generic. Remember, the person receiving it is going to be getting many resumes. A better way to save it is “your name + resume.” For example, save it as “Peter Newfield Resume.” You want to make it easy for the hiring manager to find your information.

#5. Update your resume regularly

Set a notification in your phone or put it in your calendar to update your resume quarterly (every three months). The same goes for your LinkedIn Profile.

You will want to add things like:

  • and  new responsibilities
  • new skills you earned
  • certifications earned
  • accolades and recognition

If you update your resume on a regular basis you will always be ready if a great opportunity presents itself. Even if you aren’t currently job searching, it’s a good idea to keep it updated.

Ready to submit your resume?

Don’t forget to get a FREE RESUME CRITIQUE from Career Resumes. It can’t hurt, and it certainly will help!

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