I get a daily email from RecruitingBlogs so I can keep up with what recruiters think/say/hear/talk about.
Today, tomorrow and Friday are links to three really relevant blog posts for you in your job search. Today’s topic is awesome. From Chris Brablc’s blog: What makes a Candidate Qualified?
Remember, he’s writing to other recruiters, not the job seeker (aka, the “candidate”). Chris says there are three major things to “filter on” when they interview you:
- Your competencies, defined as “the base-level knowledge needed for the position.”
- Your skills, interpreted as “transferable skills” that come from your background, and could apply in this job.
- Your cultural fit, “one of the most important but least filtered qualifications” (probably because it is so hard to identify a company culture, and recognize cultural characteristics in potential hires).
Read the entire post to learn more about Chris’s thoughts.
Have you thought about these three things?
How do you score, for the jobs you are applying to?
Here’s the interview tip/bonus: If you score high, how can you communicate this to the interviewer? In other words, if you are the right person for the job, and you hit all three points really well, you need to help them understand that.