LinkedIn Taps into Why People Are (and aren’t) Networking

Networking is Important

So why aren’t more people doing it?

LinkedIn surveyed thousands of professionals around the world who use LinkedIn to find out how they feel about networking, what triggers (or prevents) them from doing it and how frequently they’re making connections.

They discovered that while most people agreed that networking is important, not enough people are actually doing it.

The biggest thing preventing people from networking effectively is TIME! Not surprising, really. It seems like most people are strapped for time these days.

Tips on finding time to use LinkedIn for networking

  • Use Smart Replies in LinkedIn Messaging and never miss a message again.
  • The study revealed that 35% say that a casual conversation on LinkedIn Messaging has led to a new opportunity. Start a conversation with an old co-worker or college friend today and see where it goes!
  • Share an article. 61% of professionals agree that regular online interaction with their professional network can lead to possible job opportunities. Consider sharing an article, asking a question or reaching out if you’re planning a trip to their home town.
  • Join Groups on LinkedIn with your same interests, career goals, or industry expertise.
  • Get a professional LinkedIn Makeover

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