Career Thoughts: How Recruiters Think About *Their* Careers!

On there is a great post that has 10 questions for recruiters to ask themselves about their own careers.  The questions are below but you must read the original post to walk through the thought process.  This is really a great “where am I at” exercise to see how you might be perceived and how marketable you might be.

The original post is titled Ten Questions for your Recruiting Career (read it no matter what career you are in).

  1. Have you worked for five years at the same employer without a change in title?
  2. Have you ever held a position in management or training?
  3. Has your income or potential for income increased over the past five years?
  4. Have you performed work in different capacities (employee, consultant, management, independent)?
  5. Have you crossed industries or focus for which you recruit?
  6. Do you have equity or compensation which is compounding independent of your performance?
  7. Are you constantly developing new relationships?
  8. Is your industry progressing?
  9. Is your understanding of business increasing?
  10. Are you happy?

Again, don’t let the simplicity of each of these questions mislead you – if you were my client I’d ask you to take a few hours and respond to each of these, and the subquestions from the original post, and really assess where your career is at.

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