I’ve been on Nick Corcodilos’ newsletter for over a year and I have to tell you, this is a must-read newsletter. (Subscribe at this page, towards the top, in the middle there is a Subscribe now link)
For as long as I can remember Nick has had a question and answer feature in his newsletter that is awesome. The last one I got (this morning) is a follow-up to a previous question, which was a suggestion on how to “get in the door” (which was to bypass HR and go through the sales department).
This follow-up was more of a nuts-and-bolts response where Nick gave more information on how to do that, and another department you can easily go through.
Nick’s job search newsletter is an easy read – it’s not long but it always has meaty, tactical advice that will help not just in a job search but for the rest of your career (I’m big on Career Management :)).
Aside from that, Nick’s newsletter has other stuff, such as a link to a blog post about career centers wanting HIM to bring jobs to their eMBA students… and his very raw thoughts about that. He titled his blog post Executive MBA’s: Do these lion cubs hunt?
I’ve known Nick for a few years – I met him at a resume writers conference in Savannah and have followed him since. I encourage you to get on his free newsletter and learn from him each week – I do!