Job Search: 99% Communication

As I’ve spoken over the last few years to professionals in transition, I’ve convinced myself that the job search is 99% communication.

And we do it wrong (or poorly)…. almost all the time.

Can you communicate just a little bit better? Communication in your job search is key.

It’s why job seekers spend hours working on their “elevator pitch.”

It’s why people pay to have a professional resume writer hone their 2 page resume (aka, marketing tool).

It’s why people pay to have an image consultant help them with their body image, clothes, etc.

It’s why people pay to have an interview coach help prepare them nail the interview.

It’s why people tell you to have a better handshake.

It’s why people do mock interviews, record them, and critique them.

Think about it – in your job search, most everything you do is communicating in one form or another.

How’s your communication?  Can it be improved?  I’d suggest looking for marginal improvements, one step-at-a-time.  Communicate better on purpose, and you’ll be a better, more successful job seeker!

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