Job Search Success Stories

Alison Doyle writes the Job Search column and is putting out a call for SUCCESS STORIES.

There is so much out there in “do this and you’ll get a job” or “why networking works,” or things like that.  There’s a lot of advice.  And of course, there’s a lot of despair… all the stuff that’s going wrong in the job space.

But she is asking for something refreshing -her note to her LinkedIn Group:

I have thousands of unemployment stories (literally) submitted by site visitors and I’d love to balance them with some job search success stories.

I’d be thrilled to hear from anyone who has found a new job in the last year or so and I’m also interested in how you job searched and what you made a difference in getting a new job in a tough economy.

Here’s how to share your story:

Thanks so much!


Do you have a success story?  Submit it to her!  Even if it’s decades old – we need some good news 🙂

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