Resolve to get canned in 2009

I’m not much for New Year’s Resolutions. Personally, I make them, but I remember last year it seemed like half the bloggers swore by them and the other half wished they would go away.

I make resolutions I need to make, but don’t worry if I fall off the wagon. But there is one resolution I’d like you to think about, and that is that you resolve to get canned in 2009.

Actually, how about if you resolve to get laid off in 2009?

Okay, let’s put this in a better, less-mischeivious light: resolve to do a real, serious job search in 2009. Whether you are in transition or not. You need to be prepared.

Here are elements of what you’ll need for your job search in 2009:

  • The proper attitude. As a job seeker it’s easy to let bad emotions cloud our ability to perform. I had that happen to me, because i didn’t understand what to expect in my job search. I know that the emotional roller coaster will set in, but understanding a little about what you might go through can help significantly!
  • The right resume. You’ll need it eventually. As I’ve mentioned earlier, my resume was nice but it kept me out of interviews. Career Resumes helps you figure out what your resume needs to look like and include, and they work hard to get you into interviews!
  • The right networking tools. You hear you are likely to get your next job through your network, right? What have you done up to this point to make that happen? You definitely should be using LinkedIn and JibberJobber at a minimum.
  • The right techniques. My job search techniques were 99% garbage, and I was too proud to get real help. The articles I read seemed like they were written on another planet, for another audience… nothing was indepth enough or seemed to work for me.
  • ___________ – your suggestion?

What do you think you need to have to successfully navigate your termination? There will be hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions who are in transition next year… you won’t be alone, but you can be more prepared.

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