The Cost of a Resume & My $9 Hamburger

I remember the first time I had a hamburger that wasn’t run-of-the-mill burger. Normally I went to Burger King or Carls Jr., which was fine. I didn’t know what I was missing out on.

Then, one day I was treated to a burger from a place that took a sirloin steak and ground it up.  The difference was life-changing … I was amazed!

I bring this up because recently I’ve seen a number of sites and suggestions to find a $50 resume.  These cheap or inexpensive resumes have their place, and have their clientele, but I wouldn’t recommend them to anyone that I deal with.

I think the difference you’ll get between a cheap resume and a professional resume are night and day – alas, perhaps it is the difference between a value burger for 99 cents and a burger for $9.

There is one major problem, though.  Having a resume done for $50 might cost you more than $50.  Imagine the resume you pay fair market value for (the key word is VALUE), which could cost hundreds of dollars (there are many factors that go into the price) helps you land a job faster than the cheap resume… does the cheap resume cost you more than $50?

Using numbers, let’s say you spend $50 on a resume instead of $500.  You get an immediate savings of $450.

However, it takes one month longer to land a job with this resume … for some people that extra month will result in, let’s say, $3,000 of lost income.

Now that resume cost you $3,000 + $50.

You don’t even want to think about losing two months of lost income, or three, or six, or twelve!

And we don’t do stuff to get a break on taxes, but remember you should be able to deduct the cost of getting your resume done – not only did that cheap resume cost you $3,050 but you only get to deduct $50.  If you had gotten the right solution the right time you could deduct $500 (or however much the professional resume was).

Not an airtight argument, but it does seem very commonsensical 🙂

Looking for help with your professional resume?  Get a free resume review from Career Resumes (also specializes in executive resumes).

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