What did you do after you got laid off?

Earlier this week I asked How did you lose your job? Today I want to share what I did when I got laid off.

After the phone call I was taken to lunch by the new CEO (who I had replaced 18 months earlier, and who was coming back to replace me).  He shared ideas on what I should do for my job search.  The rest of the day was a blur, except I remember having a staff meeting with my team where this new CEO was announcing I was being let go – I remember feeling sorry for them because I knew more layoffs were coming the next week.  They would feel sorry for me that day but they had no idea they were following in my footsteps.

That evening I was driving home.  Amongst all of the emotions I felt, I remember feeling a distinct feeling of peace… it was finally over!  I could move on, and I was no longer trapped in a job that was not good for me.

I stayed for a week to help “transition,” which was a joke.  That’s like breaking up with someone but asking them to hang out for a week – it is just weird.  I spent a lot of time looking for my six-year-old resume, and then giving up and just making a new one.

The first six weeks of my job search I did all the wrong things.  I spent way too much time on the Internet, surfing around Monster and looking for company job boards.

I intentionally avoided any face-to-face networking, and spent too much time secluded. I was a pretty smart guy and figured the job search wouldn’t be too hard.

I also didn’t want to read any books on job search (too much time learning how to do something I wouldn’t have to do more than once in my life, right?).  Instead of learning from books and blogs, I just DID my job search.  Granted, I did all the wrong things, but at least I didn’t waste my team reading 🙂

You can read more about what I did, and what I think you should do in the first 30 days of a job search, here.

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