Use LinkedIn to Find Your Next Job

LinkedIn Jobs–They are out there!

Do you know the best way to find a job through LinkedIn? Within the LinkedIn site you can find all kinds of helpful information. We’ve summarized a few huge tips for you to start using LinkedIn to find a job. To read more click on the link to the complete article.

  1. Tap search to find the perfect job.
  2. Signal that you’re open to new opportunities by turning on Open Candidates in your career preferences.
  3. See what connections can help you find your way in.
  4. Take your job search on-the-go with LinkedIn’s mobile app.

LinkedIn Profile Help

You may find the perfect job on LinkedIn, but then you need to get it! Your profile is the best way to get the attention of employers.

Even if you have a strong resume or CV, a poor marketing bio on LinkedIn will not get the phone to ring. A good marketing bio WILL create an inquiry. Similarly, when a prospective employer sees a poor presentation of your credentials on your resume/CV, you WILL NOT get a call for an interview. They both have to be good.

Get a professional critique and makeover of your LinkedIn profile today!

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1 thought on “Use LinkedIn to Find Your Next Job”

  1. My spouse got his last job as a result of communication via LinkedIn, so it’s definitely worth the time investment. I’ve recently been updating my page as well to stay current with my credentials. It helps!

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