Salary Negotiation Webinar

Jill Konrath has done it again… she got another great subject matter expert for her Get Back To Work Faster webinar series.

Jack Chapman wrote Negotiating Your Salary: How to Make $1,000 a Minute.  He’s be sharing ideas with Jill and up to 1,000 people (it will fill up) … AT NO COST.  You want to get on this webinar.  Here’s the email I got from Jill:

Negotiating Your Salary: How to Make $1000 a MinuteJack Chapman Negotiating You Salary

When: Thursday, July 22, 1pm EDT, 12pm CDT, 11am MDT, 10am PDT
Presenter: Jack Chapman, author of Negotiating Your Salary: How to Make $1000 a Minute

In 20 minutes my client, Pat, made an extra $20,000.  His [new] employer told him, “If I had any doubts about you to begin with, they’re all gone now.

Pat used Jack’s “No Dollar Left Behind” compensation method.  It begins weeks before you actually get an offer when you are asked, “What range salary were you thinking of?”  Or, “What are you earning now?” A single misstep at this juncture can cost thousands a few days later.

One of the most lucrative negotiations you’ll ever do is for a created job that has no salary attached.  Jill Konrath says she has… “created opportunities in big companies and small ones.  In most cases these organizations didn’t have a penny in their budget for my services.”  You can help a company see your value, create a project or job for you.  And you will be in the strongest negotiating position possible: They know your value, and you’ve got no competition.

You’ll learn:

  • when to discuss salary at all and how to hold off until then,
  • who goes first and why,
  • what the unfailingly single best reply to an offer is,
  • how to evaluate your worth in the market place on the one hand,
  • and on the other hand, how to get the top of that range.

…And we’ll include special advice related to Jill’s Job Creation Scenarios.

You KNOW you’ll be in negotiations one of these days.  Don’t wait until it’s too late.  Come and learn the art and science of salary negotiation.  “Dig your well before you’re thirsty,” as Harvey Mackay would say.

REGISTER NOW for Thursday’s webinar on Negotiating Your Salary: How to Make $1000 a Minute.

Even if your busy, sign up.  You can always listen in at a later time.  We’ll send you the link as soon as it’s ready for prime time.


Jack Chapman 06.22.10Jack Chapman is the author of  Negotiating Your Salary: How to Make $1000 a Minut e, known as the bible of salary negotiations.  Now in its 6th edition it covers the broad principles and the nitty gritty details of getting the salary, raise, options, benefits, commissions, sign-on, bonus, residual, etc., income for yourself.  With 30 years in career and salary coaching, Jack has a wealth (literally) of information to help you negotiate.

Jack Chapman is the author of several job search books, and best in class webinars and workshops.  Some examples include: Job Search 2.0, SpeedSearch, and Revolutionary Resume Replacements.

Register today!

Go check it out!!!

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