Keith Ferrazzi, Never Eat Alone, Tomorrow

Tomorrow afternoon Keith Ferrazzi will share an hour of his time with Career Connections, which is sponsored by Peter Newfield and Career Resumes.

Keith Ferrazzi changed my job search, and really, my life.  You can read about it here.  If you don’t do anything else you must get his book (I got mine from the library).  This is a book I read fast and slow at the same time – I devoured it and couldn’t put it down, but some sections I had to read three times they were so profound.

Here are the details:

Building Relationships for Career Success in a Downturn Market:

Class Description: Today’s economic environment makes it easier for people to lose their sense of direction and more people are looking for solutions. The answer remains that all of life’s successes are about people.  No matter your goal in life, networking can help you achieve it. It is about knowing the right people for the right reasons – not just because you shook their hand at a corporate event.  When you base your networking on generosity and friendships, the doors you never knew were there will open. These relationships are driven by intimacy, transparency, generosity and accountability.

In this 60 minute session you will learn to:

  • Identify people who can help you achieve career goals.
  • Build and broadcast unique personal brands to stand out in the crowded marketplace.
  • Ensure the people and resources in your own “back yard” are contributing to your success.
  • Approach and engage mentors for guidance along the many paths of your career, culminating in a dynamic personal board of advisors.
  • Develop a Relationship Action Plan to guide your actions and track progress.

You can register here.

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