How will “jobs” change when the economy recovers?

Interesting post at Huffington Post titled Future Hiring Will Mainly Benefit The High-Skilled.

It says that once employers “step up hiring” there will be two types of jobs:

Professional jobs, with higher pay, and

Lower-skill and lower-pay jobs.

Those who were in the middle of that?  Bleak outlook.

What that means, I think, is that we’re going to have to become a more skilled and/or educated country, OR we’re going to have to work more in lower-pay jobs to make up what we used to make.

OR, another alternative, is that some of those middle-pay employees that supposedly won’t get a job might just become entrepreneurs (!!).  We’ll see how that plays out.

Down the article is an interesting quote which I think opens up a can of worms. The CEO of Simply Hired, which is a job search aggregator, says:

“The big fear is the country is simply not preparing workers for the kind of skills that the country is going to need…”

For me the question is who is “the country?”  Does this mean the government should be preparing workers, or should workers be preparing themselves?

How do you plan on preparing?

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