Funny Resume Mistakes

I recently saw Barbara Safani’s AOL article titled Resume Mistakes That Keep Hiring Managers Amused But Cost You The Interview.

Barbara pulls some mistake examples from various sites and include things from typos to “subtle” humor.

Go read the list of things.  I wanted to share this with you for two reasons:

First, you MUST proof your resume, and have others proof it as well. It’s easy to make a simple mistake (and for you, if you write the resume, to continue to keep missing it).

Some people have very little tolerance for such mistakes… their first look at an interview might be to look for weaknesses on the document, not any strengths you are presenting.

No matter who prepares the resume, whether it is you or Career Resumes, you must review (and, in a sense, approve) the final document.

Second, humor might not be an appropriate technique in your job search. On Barbara’s list you’ll see someone put “gossiping” as an interest.  Or an achievement is that someone was nominated as a prom queen (not chosen, just nominated :p).

Perhaps these weren’t meant to be humorous but they were lifetime accomplishments or interests… but think about it: your resume isn’t your opportunity to brag about yourself – it is a marketing document that will either help sell you (get you the interview) or not.  That’s the bottom line.

You might get one chance… don’t risk it with a poorly designed, poorly executed document.

If you are need resume help contact Career Resumes, or submit your resume for a free resume review.

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