Networking at a Networking Event

Remember the first networking event you went to – you know, the one where you were really going to network?

I remember mine.  It was shortly after I lost my job.  I was really concerned about networking with other job seekers.  I judged them to be broken, problematic and useless to me in my job search.

Little did I know.

For a few weeks I would arrive late and leave early.  I went for the speaker, really.  Networking was not happening.

Until I read Keith Ferrazzi’s book Never Eat Alone.  This really changed my life, and it especially changed how I treated those networking events.

Before I go on, I have to say, I think networking with job seekers is more productive than networking with many other types of professionals!!

Okay, not that I got that bias out of the way, and clarified, let me introduce another resource to check out.  Sandy Jones-Kaminski wrote a book called I’m at a Networking Event — Now What???

Disclaimer: You may recognize the “Now What???” as part of my series – I am the executive editor of this series…

Sandy did a wonderful job helping lay out strategies and tactics for anyone going to a networking event – whether you are networking with other unemployed professionals or are a salesperson at a Chamber of Commerce meeting.

Don’t let the event happen to you!  Sandy helps you understand how you can prepare before the event, what to do at the event, and how to follow-up after the event.

They say you’ll network into your next job, right?  You can network on LinkedIn or Twitter.  You can network into a blogger… but you should not neglect face-to-face networking.

I need this book.  You need this book.  You can get the ebook for 11.95 or the paperback for a little more than $20 (which includes S&H).

Click here to see the table of contents, or order.

And then see the results from networking events increase – that’s what you need, isn’t it?

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