Crush Your Career with CrushIt by GaryVee

I’m guessing you haven’t heard of GarVee.  That’s okay, it’s not necessary to know who he is to get value out of his book.

I want you to get (library, buy, borrow, steal, whatever) his book: Crush It.  Okay, don’t steal it, but somehow get it.

And read chapter 1. Really, that’s all I want you to do (you can read the rest if you want).

Gary talks to people who want to be successful (which, in a large part, means very, very happy).  I’m reading his book as an entrepreneur… but this book speaks to me when I was unhappily employed.  Gary talks about how to be happy.  With his down-to-earth language, and passion that jumps off the page, I get huge, huge messages, just out of chapter 1.

Are you in a job search? Read this book.  In Chapter 1 Gary talks to YOU, the job seeker.

Are you happily employed? Read this book.  In Chapter 1 Gary talks to YOU, the professional.

Are you unhappily employed? Skip work today and digest this book.

Do you have a hobby you love… something you are passionate about? Read this book, because it’s all about passion.  Well, 33% is about passion, the other 66% is other stuff, but passion is KEY.

I don’t know if other are touting this as a career book, but I am.  This is one of the most significant career books you’ll read – ever.

There are tons of blog posts about Gary Vaynerchuk’s book – you can see them here.  Here is one of my favorites, from my buddy Janet Meiners Thaeler, titled The First Business Book That Made Me Cry.

I’m not telling you to read this book because it will make you cry.  I can’t sleep as I think about some of the message.

Okay, enough … you get my point.  Get the book.

Oh yeah, and here’s a tip … if you want to get into the spirit of reading this book, spend some time watching some of Gary’s videos.  I’ve watched him enough that when I read the book I can picture him onstage, or at his computer on a webcam, talking to me.  His book talks to me… how cool is that?

4 thoughts on “Crush Your Career with CrushIt by GaryVee”

  1. Peter,
    Did Jason write this??

    Thanks for the call out. I love the passion that Gary has. Funny thing is, I read the 4-Hour Work Week about the same time (thank you Tim Ferris for not writing out the number not Four in the title).

    Now I’m bouncing between
    outsource everything & put your passion into your non-work time (which Tim is very passionate about)


    put your time & passion into your business to really succeed.

    Trying to figure out where I fit. Both help me examine what I want to be and offer alternate paths to get there.


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