Tracking Your Progress

I usually ask all new clients how many resumes they have sent out and where they have sent them. I’m amazed at how most people don’t keep track of their job search activities and simply reply “Gosh, fifty or sixty. Can’t remember where I’ve sent them all.” If you don’t know where you’ve been, how do you decide where you are going?

Keeping track of your job search activities is vital to a good (and fast) job search. One of the key elements of good job search is doing the follow-up activities. If you don’t remember where you’ve sent your resume, you can’t follow up on it! Here are some basic organizing tips to help you keep up with your job search.

Buy a binder. A two-inch binder is perfect for keeping everything together. You might want to get really organized and buy some dividers or pockets, other tools that are helpful in keeping track of your job search materials.

Print, print, print. Every time you see a job posting online to which you submit your resume, print the job posting. Put it in the binder and note the date you sent your resume. Make sure to note the email address to which you sent it.

Password lists. Every time you post your resume on an online job site, you have to create a profile that will involve a password. Keep a list of these so you don’t have to look it up every time.

Update control. Make sure you keep your resume updated online. Many people upload their resume and forget about it. If you improve your resume or get a new one, you will need to go back and upload the new version. If you have tracked where you’ve posted it, it will make the job easier.

Recruiter notes. You will work with tons of recruiters if you are at or above the $100K mark. Keep track of the recruiters with whom you talk, what you discuss, and what jobs they are sourcing. Follow up once a month with them (even when you are not in active job search mode).

Stay organized and your job search will be much easier, more efficient, and take less time. Treat it like any other complex project!

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